A "short" story in addition to the Ender's Game saga, Earth Unaware takes place during The First Formic War. This book follows a boy named Victor Delgado on a ship on El Cavador in the Kuiper Belt, a mining ship with a big family trying to make money. Through the "Eye" a way of seeing where ships, and asteroids are in space, one of the ship members sees a mysterious unidentifiable object deep in space, coming faster than humanly possible at that time. When it got closes enough they discover it's an alien species directly towards Earth...
What I Liked About It:
It is faster moving than most of the other Ender's Game books, and more fun to read because it takes place in a different time period than most of the other books. It also switched between three different characters, which makes it very different.
What I Didn't Like It:
Like I said, it mostly focus's on Victor, but it does switch to 2 other characters rarely. I do wish they expanded more on the other 2 characters also.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Ready Player One
Set in the future, Ready Player One is a Sci-Fi/Fantasy geek adventure. As technology advances with time, the enviornment is horrible, and for some, living in the real world unbearable.This is where OASIS comes in. OASIS is a video game-no, more like a virtual galaxy. A player uses a visor of their head and then use there mouth and movements to control their character. Overtime the game became wildly popular and most everybody that could, played it. But when it's creator dies, he leaves a quest in his will, and whoever completes the very difficult quest first, earns his fortune of billions of dollars.Let the games begin.
What I Liked About It:
I usually don't tend to read geeky computer/video game novels but this one really stuck out. It seemed much more than a fantasy world, since it included all of the events and games that we have today. Also, the creativity of the author, Ernest Cline, is so imaginative which makes it very fun.
What I Didn't Like About It:
The only thing that made it confusing, was since I didn't know all of the video games, movies, and TV that were mentioned. But I easily figured it out.
What I Liked About It:
I usually don't tend to read geeky computer/video game novels but this one really stuck out. It seemed much more than a fantasy world, since it included all of the events and games that we have today. Also, the creativity of the author, Ernest Cline, is so imaginative which makes it very fun.
What I Didn't Like About It:
The only thing that made it confusing, was since I didn't know all of the video games, movies, and TV that were mentioned. But I easily figured it out.
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