A "short" story in addition to the Ender's Game saga, Earth Unaware takes place during The First Formic War. This book follows a boy named Victor Delgado on a ship on El Cavador in the Kuiper Belt, a mining ship with a big family trying to make money. Through the "Eye" a way of seeing where ships, and asteroids are in space, one of the ship members sees a mysterious unidentifiable object deep in space, coming faster than humanly possible at that time. When it got closes enough they discover it's an alien species directly towards Earth...
What I Liked About It:
It is faster moving than most of the other Ender's Game books, and more fun to read because it takes place in a different time period than most of the other books. It also switched between three different characters, which makes it very different.
What I Didn't Like It:
Like I said, it mostly focus's on Victor, but it does switch to 2 other characters rarely. I do wish they expanded more on the other 2 characters also.
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