Thursday, February 21, 2013

Moustache March

Movember has come and gone and we get it!  Most of us were down for the cause and in solidarity we grew what at first seemed merely like an ironic little flavor savor reminiscent of something worn in the 70′s or 80′s…but then something magical happened.  A symbiotic connection was made between our upper lips and our hearts.  But alas, November came and went and we found ourselves in front of the mirror on December 1st clutching a cold razor and a little unsure of the desecration about to be committed upon our furry little partner in crime.  I couldn’t do it.

The amount of awareness that having a stache created didn’t stop at the charitable aspect for me, rather   broader awareness of facial fur possibilities was born in me!  I reinvested in my shaving kit after many years of shameless neglect.  I stocked up on soap pucks, a vintage shaving bowl and an antique safety razor too, not to mention all the mustache waxes I had collected over the month in anticipation of the Dali style cookie duster I would inevitably be donning.  I had reinvented myself, and at the same time rediscovered something that has been lost in our plastic throw away culture that we have all been unwillingly steeped in.  Shaving and maintaining a moustache is the new alchemy, and I was cultivating gold.

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